FireDOC Search

Williams, D. W. | Adams, J. S. | Batten, J. J. | Whitty, G. F. | Richardson, G. T.
Operation Euroka: An Australian Mass Fire Experiment.
Australian Defence Scientific Service, Maribyrnong, Australia
Report 386, September 1970, 64 p.
Available from National Technical Information Service
mass fires | fire storms | euroka fire | experiments | energy release rate | wind velocity | burning rate | thermal radiation | temperature measurements | exposure
Operation Euroka, a mass fire-firestorm experiment, involved the simultaneous ignition of 6.1 x 10⁶ kg (6000 tons) of wood fuel, primarily brigalow (Acacia harpophylla), which was arrangedin 30 windows spaced at 15.2 metre (50 ft.) intervals over an area of 2.1 x 10⁵ m² (51.6 acres). This experiment was carried out at Langley, Queensland, on 23rd October 1969. Several other Commonwealth establishments co-operated with the Department of Supply - the Forest Research Institute, the Bureau of Meteorology and the A.P.O. Research Laboratories (P.M.G.).