FireDOC Search

Molina, A. | Eddings, E. G. | Pershing, D. W. | Sarofim, A. F.
Reduction of Nitric Oxide on the Char Surface at Pulverized Combustion Conditions.
Utah Univ., Salt Lake City
Book or Conf
Combustion Institute, Symposium (International) on Combustion, 29th. Proceedings. Volume 29. Part 2. July 21-25, 2002, Combustion Institute, Pittsburgh, PA, Sapporo, Japan, Chen, J. H.; Colket, M. D., Editors, 2275-2281 p., 2002
combustion | nitric oxide | char | char formation | experiments | nitrogen | equations | coal | kinetics
this study presents an experimental evaluation of the rate of nitric oxide reduction on the char surface; reduction of NO on the char surface; coal and char analysis; process affecting the rate of NO reduction; evaluates the rate of NO reduction on the char surface at conditions that simulate pulverized coal combustion; evaluation of the rate of NO reduction on the char surface; comparison of kinetic constants for the reaction of NO with char ar 1273 K