- Author
- Razza, J. C. | Grill, R. A.
- Title
- Comparison of Codes, Standards and Practices in Use at the Time of the Design and Construction of World Trade Center 1, 2 and 7. Federal Building and Fire Safety Investigation of the World Trade Center Disaster.
- Coporate
- Rolf Jensen and Associates, Inc., Deerfield, IL
- Report
- NIST NCSTAR 1-1E, September 2005, 91 p.
- Keywords
- World Trade Center | high rise buildings | building collapse | disasters | terrorists | terrorism | codes | standards | building design | building codes | building construction | fire safety | fire investigations | power supplied | fire alarm systems | fire protection | fire suppression | interior finishes | egress | sprinklers | standpipes | fire dampers | smoke dampers | firestops | water supply | elevators (lifts) | venting
- Identifiers
- World Trade Center (110-story-high) Towers, Manhattan, New York, September 11, 2001; emergency power; reference standard; code comparison and summary of significant differences
- Abstract
- This report was prepared to support the goals and objectives of the analysis of building and tire codes and practices of the National Institute of Standards and Technology World Trade Center (WTC) Investigation. The report provides a comparison and summary of significant differences between the 1968 Building Code of the City of New York (determined to be the current building code at the time of construction of WTC 1 and WTC 2), the provisions of the New York State Building Construction Code, and the City of Chicago Building Code that were available at that time.