- Author
- Atallah, S. | Crowley, D.
- Title
- Novel Fire Suppression Materials for Advanced Aircraft.
- Coporate
- Little, (Arthur D.) Inc., Cambridge, MA
- Sponsor
- Air Force Aeronautical Labs., Wright-Patterson AFB, OH
- Report
- JTCG/AS-76-T-011, March 1978, 95 p.
- Distribution
- Available from National Technical Information Service
- Contract
- F33615-76-C-2127
- Keywords
- aircraft engines | aircraft fires | jet engine fuels | fire extinguishing agents | potassium bicarbonate | fire suppression | JP-4 jet fuel
- Identifiers
- fire extinguishing agents
- Abstract
- The objective of this study was to select a few candidate agents that may be used to extinguish fires in engine nacelles of advanced aircraft. More than 150 powdered chemicals, liquids, gels and slurries were screened for their capability to extinguish flames from JP-4 fuel impinging on a heated stainless steel plate in the presence of an air current. Potassium bicarbonate, potassium iodide, lithium carbonate and sodium carbonate powders (-325 mesh) and a 0.8:1 lithium chloride/water solution were selected on the basis of tests in a tunnel in which air was allowed to flow at 18 fps. The test surface was a 6 x 6-inch (15 cm x 15 cm) square heated to about 1700 deg F (927 degC) with JP-4 impinging on it at about 100 cc/g. Tests with all the fire extinguishing agents but potassium bicarbonate at NASA-Ames facility failed. It was postulated that the basic fuel ignition and extinguishment mechanisms are quite dependent on the design of the apparatus and the conditions of the test.