- Author
- Sutton, M. B.
- Title
- Recent Advances in Thermally Protective ClothinG--PBI Fiber Blends.
- Coporate
- Hoechst Celanese Corp., Charlotte, NC
- Book or Conf
- Clemson University. Protective Clothing--An Update and Overview of Personal Protection Against Chemical, Thermal and Other Hazards: Materials, Garments, Applications, and Concerns. Annual Conference, 3rd. May 23-15, 1989, Charlotte, NC, II/1-10 p., 1989
- Keywords
- protective clothing | PBI (fabrics) | aluminized fabrics | fibers | blends (fibers) | coveralls | shirts | thermal protection | fire tests | temperature rise | heat flux
- Identifiers
- foundry fabric development; appearance rating of impacted layers