FireDOC Search

displaying 1 - 10 results in total 1013

  • Winer, H.; Walker, J.; Campbell, P.; Calfee, J.
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    Refurbishing "Spray on" Aluminum Enamel on Proximity Clothing. Final Report. October 1982-September 1983.
    Navy Clothing and Textile Research Facility, Natick, MA
    Air Force Engineering and Services Center, Tyndall AFB, FL; Naval Air Systems Command, Washington, DC, ESL-TR-84-17, July 1985, 24 p.

  • Herrick, J. W.; Peters, F. B.
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    Investigation and Preparation of Highly Sportive Carbon Laminates for Potential Use in Chemical Protective Clothing.
    Fiber Materials, Inc., Biddeford, ME
    NATICK/TR-85/021L, August 1982, 43 p.

  • Perkins, R. M.
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    Insulative Values of Single-Layer Fabrics for Thermal Protective Clothing.
    Department of Agriculture, New Orleans, LO 70179
    Textile Research Journal, Vol. 49, 202-212, 1979

  • Paull, J. M.; Rosenthal, F. S.
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    Heat Strain and Heat Stress for Workers Wearing Protective Suits at a Hazardous Waste Site.
    Johns Hopkins Univ., Baltimore, MD
    American Industrial Hygiene Asociation Journal, Vol. 48, No. 5, 458-463, May 1987

  • Braun, E.; Cobb, D.; Cobble, V. B.; Krasny, J. F.; Peacock, R. D.
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    Measurement of the Protective Value of Apparel Fabrics in a Fire Environment.
    National Bureau of Standards, Gaithersburg, MD
    Journal of Consumer Product Flammability, Vol. 7, No. 1, 15-25, March 1980

  • Pakkala, L.; Irjala, B. L.
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    Fire Safety of Protective Clothing. (Tyovaatetuksen paloturvallisuus.)
    Technical Research Centre of Finland, Espoo
    VTT Research Report 256, January 1984, 139 p.

  • Knapp, S. C.; Knox, F. S., III
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    Human Response to Fire.
    Army Aeromedical Research Lab., Fort Rucker, AL
    Advisory Group for Aerospace Research and Development. Aircraft Fire Safety. AGARD Lecture Series 123. June 7-8, 1982, Oslo, Norway and June 10-11, 1982, London, England and June 15-16, 1982, Washington, DC., ['London, England', 'Washington, DC'], 2/1-19 p., 1982

  • Perkins, R. M.; Krasny, J. F.; Braun, E.; Peacock, R. D.
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    Evaluation of Fabrics for Thermal Protective Clothing.
    National Bureau of Standards, Gaithersburg, MD
    Information Council on Fabric Flammability, 12th Annual Meeting Processdings, December 6-7, 1978, Information Council on Fabric Flammability, TX, New York City, NY, 212-234 p., 1978

  • Air Force Systems Command
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    Air Force Systems Command, Brooks AFB, TX
    Air Force Systems Command. Fire Hazards and Extinguishment Conference. May 23, 1967, Brooks AFB, TX, 206 p., 1967

  • Carter, D. I.
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    Fire Extinguishment and Protective Clothing Evaluations.
    Air Force Systems Command, Brooks AFB, TX
    Aerospace Medical Div. Fire Hazards and Extinguishment Conference. May 23, 1967., Brooks AFB, TX, 70-105 p., 1967