FireDOC Search

Dold, J. | Zinoviev, A. | Weber, R.
Nonlocal Flow Effects in Bushfire Spread Rates.
Manchester Univ., M60 1QD, UK UNSW at ADFA, Canberra 2600, Australia
Book or Conf
Forest Fire Research, V International Conference. Proceedings. Fire Behavior. Poster Presentations. November 27-30, 1006, Coimbra, Portugal, Viegas, D. X., Editors, 1-8 p., 2006
brush fires | fire spread | wildland fires | air flow | entrainment | buoyant flames | plumes | fireline | wind effects | buoyancy | ignition | grasslands | high temperature gases | combustion | fire spread rate
model formulation for the effect of sucking along a fireline; point ignition; elliptical fireline; spread rates of the head fire