FireDOC Search

Fraser-Mitchell, J.
Simulated Evacuations of an Airport Terminal Building, Using the CRISP Model.
Fire Safety Engineering Centre, Watford, England
Book or Conf
Human Behavior in Fire: Understanding Human Behavior for Better Fire Safety Design. International Symposium, 2nd. Proceedings. March 26-28, 2001, Interscience Communications Ltd., London, England, Boston, MA, 89-100 p., 2001
human behavior | fire safety | airports | terminal facilities | fire models | evacuation | geometry | occupants | scenarios | time | exits | statistics | smoke spread | simulation | egress | computational fluid dynamics | visualisation
CRISP model (Monte-Carlo simulation of entire fire scenarios); Concourse building, Brussels Airport; building population; times (seconds) for partial and total evacuation, all scenarios; times (seconds) for total evacuation of individual modules, all scenarios; average times (seconds) for occupants of given modules to evacuate, all scenarios; maximum times (seconds) for occupants of given modules to evacuate, all scenarios; exit choices made in scenario E, with different preferences for using the familiar exit