FireDOC Search

Phan, L. T. | Marshall, R. D. | Celebi, M.
Response of Buildings to Ambient Vibration and the Loma Prieta Earthquake: A Comparison.
National Institute of Standards and Technology, Gaithersburg, MD U. S. Geological Survey, Menlo Park, CA
Book or Conf
American Society of Civil Engineers. Structures Congress '92 Compact Papers. 10th Structures Congress. April 13-15, 1992, Am. Soc. of Civil Engineers, New York, NY, San Antonio, TX, Morgan, J., Editors, 583-586 p., 1992
earthquakes | vibration | structural stability | tests | response time
structural stability
Structural response characteristics of five existing buildings in the San Francisco bay area, obtained from ambient vibration testing conducted after the Loma Prieta earthquake (LPE), are compared with the response characteristics observed during the LPE. The purpose is to provide an assessment of the applicability of ambient vibration testing as a means to obtain dynamic properties for use in earthquake design. The comparisons show that, for all five buildings, the response frequencies measured from ambient vibration testing are higher than those obtained from the LPE, and damping estimates computed from ambient vibration response records are smaller than those from the LPE response records.