- Author
- Simonson, M. | Blomqvist, P. | Boldizar, A. | Moller, K. | Rosell, L. | Tullin, C. | Stripple, H. | Sundqvist, J. O.
- Title
- Fire-LCA Model: TV Case Study.
- Coporate
- SP Swedish National Testing and Research Institute, Boras, Sweden IVL-Swedish Environmental Research Institute, Sweden
- Report
- SP Report 2000:13, 2000, 219 p.
- Distribution
- FOR MORE INFORMATION CONTACT: SP Swedish National Testing and Research Institute, Box 857, SE-501 15 BORAS, Sweden. Telephone: +46 33 16 50 00, Fax: +46 33 13 55 02, Email: info@sp.se Website: http://www.sp.se/eng/default.htm
- Keywords
- television | flame retardants | risk assessment | computer models | ignition source | fire statistics | cone calorimeters | emissions | fire safety | costs | fire models | experiments | waste disposal
- Identifiers
- Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) model; recycling; waste incineration; landfill; energy recovery