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Yokel, F. Y. | Reichard, T. W.
Evaluation of the Column Connections Used in a Precast Concrete Modular Housing System. Final Report.
National Bureau of Standards, Washington, DC
Department of Housing and Urban Development, Washington, DC
NBSIR 73-148, March 26, 1973,
Available from National Technical Information Service
columns (support) | joints (junctions) | shear stress | operation breakthrough
modular housing; housing and urban development research; column connections
The column connections used in a housing system employing stacked precast concrete box modules were tested to evaluate their structural performance. The system was proposed for construction in Operation BREAKTHROUGH, a research and demonstration program sponsored by the Department of Housing and Urban Development. The system uses innovative structural design concepts, which include: confinement of the concrete in the vicinity of the column bearings by reinforcing ties in order to increase concrete compressive strength; neoprene pads between column bearings in the upper stories; steel-neoprene-steel sandwich in the lower stories; and a grouted dowel through the center of the columns to provide resistance to tension and shear. The test program included the following: tests to determine the effect of various bearing pads on the load capacity of the connection; tests to determine the load-deformation characteristics of the neoprene pads; a test to determine the performance of a lower-story connection using a steel-neoprene-steel sandwich and a grouted dowel; and tests to evaluate the strength and ductility of the connections when subjected to a shear force. Test results are presented and interpreted and the findings are summarized. (Author)