- Author
- Tapscott, R. E.
- Title
- Commercialized Halon Options. Short Course.
- Coporate
- University of New Mexico, Albuquerque
- Book or Conf
- Halon Options Technical Working Conference. Proceedings. HOTWC 1998. Sponsored by: University of New Mexico, 3M Co., Fire Suppression Systems Assoc., Great Lakes Chemical Corp., Halon Alternative Research Corp., Hughes Associates, Inc., Kidde International, Modular Protection, Inc., National Association of Fire Equipment Distributors, Inc., Next Generation Fire Suppression Technology Program. May 12-14, 1998, Albuquerque, NM, 107-117 p., 1998
- Keywords
- halon alternatives | fire extinguishing agents | halon 1301 | halon 1211 | halon 2402 | environmental effects | toxicology | water mist | aerosols | inert gases | halons
- Identifiers
- halon fire and explosion protection agents; classes of halon replacements; commercialized total flooding halon replacements; design concentrations, toxicities of total-flooding agents; environmental characteristics, total-flooding agents; commercialized halon replacement streaming; toxicity properties of commercialized streaming agents; environmental characteristics, streaming agents; commercial and near-commercial misting systems