FireDOC Search

Christensen, G. | Lohse, U. | Malmstedt, K.
Full Scale Fire Tests: The Spread of Fire From a Chamber to a Corridor.
Danish National Institute of Building Research, Denmark
Danish State Testing Laboratory, Copenhagen, Denmark State Institute of Technical Research, Helsinki, Finland Technical University of Norway, Trondheim, Norway National Institute for Materials Testing, Stockholm, Sweden
CIB CTF/67/20 (DK); UDK 614.841.332:69.028.11, 1967, 56 p.
large scale fire tests | fire spread | heat intensity | geometry | small scale fire tests | linings | temperature measurements | fire behavior
description of the character of the fire; visual observations and conclusions from tests with combustible linings; temperature measurements in chamber during the fire
The evaluation of the contribution made by a combustible lining to the spread of a fire is a problem which has caused much concern to fire researchers all over the world for many years. As a rule all fire research institutes have had their own way of making tests for this purpose. Unfortunately the different test methods often gave very different results for the same material, and a comparison between results obtained by the different test methods have not been immediately comparable.