FireDOC Search

Brace, T. | Fultz, M. L. | Gerard, J. | Icove, D. | Morrison, T. | Wilson, H. | Wilz, J.
Technology and Report/Data Systems.
Minnesota State Fire Marshal Bureau of Alochol, Tobacco and Firearms, Washington, DC National Fire Protection Association, Quincy, MA Federal Bureau of Investigation, Washington, DC
Book or Conf
Insurance Committee for Arson Control. National Arson Forum, 1992. September 9-10, 1992, Arlington, VA, 1-25 p., 1992
arson | fire investigations | arson laboratory
To evaluate reporting, prediction and data systems. To promote the use of new laboratory methods and equipment for fire and arson investigation. Profile state arson laboratories to detemine their capabilities/shortcomings in terms of equipment and professional staffing as they pertain to arson investigtion.