- Author
- Brace, T. | Fultz, M. L. | Gerard, J. | Icove, D. | Morrison, T. | Wilson, H. | Wilz, J.
- Title
- Technology and Report/Data Systems.
- Coporate
- Minnesota State Fire Marshal Bureau of Alochol, Tobacco and Firearms, Washington, DC National Fire Protection Association, Quincy, MA Federal Bureau of Investigation, Washington, DC
- Book or Conf
- Insurance Committee for Arson Control. National Arson Forum, 1992. September 9-10, 1992, Arlington, VA, 1-25 p., 1992
- Keywords
- arson | fire investigations | arson laboratory
- Abstract
- To evaluate reporting, prediction and data systems. To promote the use of new laboratory methods and equipment for fire and arson investigation. Profile state arson laboratories to detemine their capabilities/shortcomings in terms of equipment and professional staffing as they pertain to arson investigtion.