FireDOC Search

Benichou, N. | Kashef, A. H. | Reid, I. | Morinville, G. | Bounagui, A.
FIERAsystem: A Fire Risk Assessment Tool to Evaluate Fire Safety in Buildings and Large Spaces.
National Research Council of Canada, Ottawa, Ontario
FOR MORE INFORMATION CONTACT: National Research Council of Canada, Institute for Research in Construction, Ottawa, Ontario, K1A 0R6, Telephone (613) 993-2607, Fax: (613) 952-7673, Email: [FULL DOCUMENT IN PDF]:
Book or Conf
Mediterranean Combustion Symposium, 3rd. Proceedings. June 8-13, 2003, Marrakech, Morocco, 1-2 p., 2003
fire risk assessment | fire protection | fire safety | performance based codes
FIERAsystem (FIre Evaluation and Risk Assessment system)
A number of countries have changed, or plan to change their building regulations from prescriptive-based to performance-based. A performance-based code approach establishes clear objectives and safety criteria and leaves the means of achieving these objectives to the designer. This allows for flexibility, innovation and functionality in the design, and may achieve improved fire safety designs at reduced costs. To take full advantage of the opportunities offered by these codes, the fire safety community has recognized that, in a performance-based code environment, there is a need for tools that will facilitate the evaluation of fire safety designs to determine whether or not they satisfy the established objectives. One such tool is FIERAsystem (FIre Evaluation and Risk Assessment system), which is being developed at the National Research Council of Canada, to evaluate fire protection systems in light industrial buildings.