- Author
- Allam, A. | Burgess, I. | Plank, R.
- Title
- Large-Delfection Behavior of Steel and Composite Frames in Fire.
- Coporate
- Ove Arup and Partners, Leeds, UK University of Sheffield, UK
- Book or Conf
- Engineered Fire Protection Design...Applying Fire Science to Fire Protection Problems, International Conference. Proceedings. Co-organized by: Society of Fire Protection Engieners (SFPE) and National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST). June 11-15, 2001, San Francisco, CA, 461-471 p., 2001
- Keywords
- fire protection | fire protection engineering | steels | slabs (members) | computer programs | structures | geometry | cables
- Identifiers
- grillages; composite slabe; membrane action; effect of geometrical non-linearity; cable-net analogy