- Author
- Minne, R.
- Title
- Smoke Infiltration Into the Fire Escape Routes of Tall Buildings.
- Coporate
- Laboratorium Voor Anwanding der Brandstoffen en Warmte-overdracht Rukuniversiteit, Ghent, Belgium
- Report
- Paper 19,
- Book or Conf
- Fire Research Station. Conseil International du Batiment (CIB) Symposium on the Control of Smoke Movement in Building Fires. Volume One. Papers. November 4-5, 1975, Watford, UK, 245-265 p., 1975
- Keywords
- smoke control | smoke movement | building fires | high rise buildings | escape means | tests | stairwells | pressure | compartments | stack effect | stairways | overpressure
- Identifiers
- lock chambers