FireDOC Search

R0900147 | Gill, A. M. | Moore, P. H. R.
Big Versus Small Fires: The Bushfires of Greater Sydney, January 1994.
Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization, Melbourne, Australia
Book or Conf
Large Forest Fires, Backbuys Publishers, Lieden, The Netherlands, Moreno, J. M., Editors, 49-68 p., 1998
bush fires | damage | fire fighters | fire fighting equipment | fire seasons | fire spread | management systems | forest fires | fire behavior | fire models | fuels | weather effects | fuel load | fire statistics | fire damage rating
landscape fires (bushfires) of January 1994, Sydney, New South Wales, Australia; geographic context; fire models and retrospective assessment of fire properties; fire weather in the Greater Sydney region; fuel types and typical fine fuel loadings; building damage at the urban rim; fire management of bushland within urbanized landscapes; private land; national parks; some socially-disastrous fires in Australia