- Author
- R0900147 | Gill, A. M. | Moore, P. H. R.
- Title
- Big Versus Small Fires: The Bushfires of Greater Sydney, January 1994.
- Coporate
- Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization, Melbourne, Australia
- Book or Conf
- Large Forest Fires, Backbuys Publishers, Lieden, The Netherlands, Moreno, J. M., Editors, 49-68 p., 1998
- Keywords
- bush fires | damage | fire fighters | fire fighting equipment | fire seasons | fire spread | management systems | forest fires | fire behavior | fire models | fuels | weather effects | fuel load | fire statistics | fire damage rating
- Identifiers
- landscape fires (bushfires) of January 1994, Sydney, New South Wales, Australia; geographic context; fire models and retrospective assessment of fire properties; fire weather in the Greater Sydney region; fuel types and typical fine fuel loadings; building damage at the urban rim; fire management of bushland within urbanized landscapes; private land; national parks; some socially-disastrous fires in Australia