FireDOC Search

California District Attorneys Association | California Office of the State Fire Marshal
Investigation and Prosecution of Arson. Second (2nd) Edition.
District Attorneys Assoc., CA State Fire Marshal, CA
2nd Edition; LC Card Number 95-69926, 1995, 442 p.
arson | fire investigations | fire fighting | combustion physics | structures | wildland fires | automobile fires | fire chemistry | fire deaths | explosives | bombs (ordnance) | photography | shipboard fires | fire investigators | legislation
fighting the fire; chemistry and physics of fire; search and seizure overview; investigation of structure fires; investigation of wildland fires; investigation of vehicle fires; investigation of fire related deaths; evidence collection and preservation; electricity and fire; gas and fire; incendiary devices; explosives and bombs; fire scene sketching and photography; fingerprints; interviews and interrogations in arson investigations; information sources; serial arson: arson motives; serial arson analysis; motive-based offender analysis of serial arsonists: the study of serial arsonists; summary of previous serial arson and shipboard arson research; revenge motivated arson; excitement-motivated arson; vandalism, crime concealment, profit and other motives; implications for arson investigators; surveillance techniques in arson cases; polygraph as an investigtive tool; report writing for the fire investigator; trial preparation and courtroom demeanor; law of arson in California; prosecution of an arson case: preliminary hearing and grand jury proceedings; prosecution of an arson case: the trial; organizing against arson; community fire and arson watch program; FBI Bomb Data Center information sheet for bombing incident report form
Much progress has been made in the war against arson since this manual was originally published in 1980. This progress includes the expanded training of fire investigators in both the private and public sectors, as well as the heightened awareness on the part of front line firefighters and insurance adjustors. Despite these advances, however, the incidence of arson in the United States has failed to significantly decrease.