FireDOC Search

Bryan, J. L. | Milke, J. A.
Examination and Analysis of the Dynamics of the Human Behavior in the Fire Incident at the Pennisula General Hospital September 22, 1979.
Maryland Univ., College Park
National Bureau of Standards, Gaithersburg, MD
NBS GCR 80-270, February 29, 1980, 38 p.
Available from National Technical Information Service
fabric flammability | fire departments | fire investiations | smoke | smothering
This fire incident was apparently initiated with the ignition of the robe and bed clothes of a male patient in the bathroom of room 2102, on the second floor, East wing in the Cardiac Care Unit. The fire was detected by the observation of smoke emitting from under the bathroom door by three visitors in room 2102 at approximately 1650 on September 22, 1979. The visitors opened the door to the bathroom and observed the patient standing with the bathrobe in flames. Two of the visitors ran into the corridor calling "Fire," while the third visitor attempted to smother the flames with a blanket. Staff personnel responded to the calls of "Fire," and initiated the facility emergency procedures by dialing "11" on the facility phone. The facility operator initiated the verbal public address system announcement of "Condition One," and notified the City of Salisbury Fire Department. The Facility Fire Brigade personnel responded with the "Fire Cart." Staff personnel in the area removed the patient from room 2102 by carrying and dragging while six patients in room 2102, 2103, and 2104 were evacuated in wheel chairs. The fire involving the patient and his clothing in the bathroom was extinguished with a listed 4A, 60BC, rated dry chemical extinguisher, and by smothering with bed linens. The patient was taken to the emergency room for medical treatment. The fire damage was confined to the clothing and the male cardiac patient who died on September 24, 1979.