FireDOC Search

Pitts, W. M.
Assessment of Need for and Design Requirements of a Wind Tunnel Facility to Study Fire Effects of Interest to DNA.
National Institute of Standards and Technology, Gaithersburg, MD
Defense Nuclear Agency, Washington, DC
NISTIR 89-4049, May 1989, 208 p.
Available from National Technical Information Service
wind tunnels | wind effects | fire spread | fire behavior | flame whirls | fire brands | literature reviews | mass fires | nuclear explosions | nuclear fireballs | urban fires
The objective of this study is to recommend whether or not a new wind tunnel facility should be designed and constructed for the investigation of wind-aided fire spread. The focus is on the types of mass fire which can be expected following a nuclear detonation above an urban environment. The final conclusions of the report are: 1) The need for an improved understanding of urban fire spread as it relates to nuclear weapon effects is overwhelming, 2) At the present time, predictive capabilities for estimating fire damage in an urban environment following a nuclear attach are very limited and uncertain, 3) Wind tunnel experiments will not provide all of the required information, but will offer the opportunity to improve substantially the understanding of the problem, 4) Most existing wind tunnels were designed decades ago and are not well-suited for the required experimentation, and 5) Some progress can be and is being made in existing facilities, but substantial improvements in understanding require a new facility and a sustained commitment for support. An executive summary is provided.