FireDOC Search

Jansson, R. | Onnermark, B. | Altvall, L. E.
Leakage of Fire Gases into Basement Shelters Through Ceiling Cracks. (Abstract in English)
National Defence Research Inst., Stockholm, Sweden
FOA Report C20794-2.4, April 1990, 28 p.
shelters (fallout) | leakage | fire gases | ceilings | cracking (fracturing) | smoke | tests | concrete slabs
The investigation was performed in a series of experiments; with a basement shelter (21 m2), a fire room above and a concrete slab (20 cm) between the rooms. The ceiling cracks were simulated by rows of holes (n x 10 cm2) in the ceiling sab. In the series were varied the fire and the number of open and fuel covered holes. Two pairs of experiments were performed at various wind conditions outside the fire room opening. At the experiments were measured i.e. carbon monoxide (CO), the optical density of smoke (OD) and the temperature in the shelter. In most experiments was measured the difference of gas pressure between the upper and lower side of a ceiling hole. In five of the twelve expeiments was measured a harmful level of CO (max 570 ppm) i the middle of the shelter. The effect of the wind pressure at the fire room opening, was found to be important.