- Author
- Chow, W. K. | Yao, B. | Ng, M. Y.
- Title
- Application of Water Mist Fire Suppression Systems in Small Retail Shops.
- Coporate
- Hong Kong Polytechnic University Hong Kong, China
- Journal
- Journal of Fire Sciences, Vol. 20, No. 6, 479-503, November 2002
- Keywords
- shopping centers | water mist | fire suppression | fire protection | flashover | ventilation | water damage | equations | droplets | gas temperature
- Identifiers
- Water Mist Fire Suppression System (WMFSS); protecting small retail shops; preflahsover fire; postflashover fire; droplet velocity and diameter reaching the mean flame height (HRR: 419 kW); calculated spray heat absorption ratio (SHAR) for various opening heights and spray characteristics (50 s after water mist application); Spray Heat Absorption Ratio (SHAR)