- Author
- Deierlein, G. G. | Hamilton, S.
- Title
- Framework for Structural Fire Engineering and Design Methods. White Paper.
- Report
- NISTIR 7133; White Paper 3, April 20, 2004,
- Book or Conf
- NIST-SFPE Workshop for Development of a National R&D Roadmap for Structural Fire Safety Design and Retrofit of Structures: Proceedings. Appendix 9.H: White Papers. October 2-3, 2003, Baltimore, MD, 75-99 p., 2004
- Keywords
- fire safety | structures | structural engineering | fire protection engineering | design applications | standards | risks | fire behavior | decision making | performance based codes | building codes | methodology | gravity | wind effects | earthquakes | nuclear power plants | laod (forces) | evaluation
- Identifiers
- maximum level of tolerable damage based on performance group and design hazard event (ICC 2001); classification of load magnitude designation versus mean return periods in the ICC performance code; attributes of PBEE; attributes of probabilistic PBFE (fire) methodology