- Author
- Beever, P.
- Title
- Tall Buildings: How Different Will They Be?
- Coporate
- National Research Council of Canada, Ottawa, Ontario
- Book or Conf
- Pacific Rim Conference and Second (2nd) International Conference on Performance-Based Codes and Fire Safety Design Methods. Proceedings. International Code Council and the Society of Fire Protection Engineers (SFPE). May 3-9, 1998, International Code Council, Birmingham, AL, Maui, HI, 133-155 p., 1998
- Keywords
- performance based codes | fire safety | high rise buildings | building codes | smoke flow | smoke filling | fire spread | fire detection | fire suppression | elevators (lifts) | atria | fire departments | response time | maintenance | costs
- Identifiers
- summary of deemed-to-satisfy requirements for the building; performance requirements; fire engineering design brief; fire initiation and development sub-system; smoke development and management sub-system; occupant avoidance sub-system; fire department communication and response sub-system; assessment against objectives; functionality analysis