- Author
- Klupfel, H. | Medyer-Konig, T.
- Title
- Characteristics of the Pedgo Software for Crowd Movement and Egress Simulation.
- Coporate
- TraffGo GmbH, Duisburg, Germany
- Book or Conf
- Pedestrian and Evacuation Dynamics 2003 International Conference, 2nd. Proceedings. August 20-22, 2003, CMS Press, London, England, Greenwich, UK, Galea, E. R., Editors, 331-340 p., 2003
- Keywords
- evacuation | people movement | human response | human behavior | human performance | egress | computer simulation | methodology | geometry | evaluation | stadiums | railroad terminals
- Identifiers
- modelling crowd dynamics; PedGo softwware; characteristic criteria according to which models for crowd movement can be clasified; simulation of pedestrian flows from a stadium to the railway station; pedestrian dynamics