FireDOC Search

Stenstad, V. | Bjorkmann, W. R.
Performance Based Design in Norway: Room for Improvement Based on 10 Years of Experience.
National Office of Building Technology and Administration, N-0028 Oslo, Norway Standards Norway, N-1326 Lysaker, Norway
Book or Conf
Performance-Based Codes and Fire Safety Design Methods, 7th International Conference. Sky is the Limit. Proceedings and Case Studies. April 16-18, 2008, Society of Fire Protection Engineers, Bethesda, MD, Auckland, New Zealand, 79-91 p., 2008
performance based codes | fire safety | safety engineering | regulations | design applications | risks | egress | time | verification acceptance
Norway; design process. (BRDS no. 401.010 - 1997); verification of an alternative design; index method FRIM-MAB; risk index comparison, concrete frame versus different design strategies for a timber frame; SINTEF FAR-value method; FAR-value (Fatal Accident Rate); Norwegian building projects; necessary time of egress calculated by different FSE-firms based on the same building layout; comparative analyses; major dependencies of the system; surveillance; third party review; increased supervision of companies with national certification