- Author
- Stanton, J. | Stone, W. C. | Cheok, G. S.
- Title
- Hybrid Reinforced Precast Frame for Seismic Regions.
- Coporate
- University of Washington, Seattle National Institute of Standards and Technology, Gaithersburg, MD
- Journal
- PCI Journal, Vol. 42, No. 2, 20-32, March/April 1997
- Keywords
- precast concrete | bilinear elastic | building technology | earthquakes | frame | hybrid | post-tensioned | seismic | unbonded prestress
- Abstract
- A precast, prestressed concrete framing system for resisting earthquake loads is described. The system uses both unbonded post-tensioned reinforcement and bonded bar reinforcement. Tests hve shown that its performance is equal or superior to that of a conventional cast-in-place moment frame. Design criteria and code implications resulting from the test program as well as suggested topics for future research are discussed.