- Author
- Gordon, R. L. | Masri, A. R. | Pope, S. B. | Goldin, G. M.
- Title
- Transport Budgets in Turbulent Lifted Flames of Methane Autoigniting in a Vitiated Co-Flow.
- Coporate
- Sydney Univ., NSW 2006, Australia Cornell Univ., Ithaca, NY Fluent Inc., Lebanon, NH
- Journal
- Combustion and Flame, Vol. 151, No. 3, 495-511, November 2007
- Keywords
- turbulent flames | flame liftoff | methane | nonpremixed flames | autoignition | equations | computational fluid dynamics | turbulent combustion | combustion models | burners | chemical mechanisms | radicals
- Identifiers
- Probability Density Functions (PDFs); in situ adaptive tabulation (ISAT) method; FLUENT; turbulent transport budgets; \vitiated co-flow; chemical mechanisms tested in the PDF calculations; details of the domain meshes; numerically accurate values for ISAT error tolerances for each chemical mechanism investigated; peak mass fractions in test cases; peak mass fractions in lifted flame cases