- Author
- Finnerty, A. E.
- Title
- Importance of Mechanisms.
- Coporate
- Army Research Lab., Aberdeen Proving Ground, MD
- Book or Conf
- Halon Options Technical Working Conference. Proceedings. HOTWC 1994. Sponsored by University of New Mexico, Halon Alternative Research Corp., National Association of Fire Equipment Distributors Inc., Fire Suppression Systems Assoc., Hughes Associates, Inc. May 3-5, 1994, Albuquerque, NM, 251-260 p., 1994
- Keywords
- halon alternatives | halons | inerting | experiments | hydrogen fluroide | burners | chemical agents | fire extinguishing agents
- Identifiers
- perfluoroethyl iodide (PFEI); 20-liter chamber; hydrogen fluoride production from agents in butane-air mixtures; cup burner test; jacketed fuel cells