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Dols, W. S. | Persily, A. K. | Nabinger, S. J.
Indoor Air Quality Commissioning of a New Office Building.
National Institute of Standards and Technology, Gaithersburg, MD
Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Rockville, MD
NISTIR 5586, January 1995, 51 p.
AVAILABLE FROM National Technical Information Service (NTIS), Technology Administration, U.S. Department of Commerce, Springfield, VA 22161. Telephone: 1-800-553-6847 or 703-605-6000; Fax: 703-605-6900. Website:
Book or Conf
American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineers, Inc. (ASHRAE). IAQ'95: Practical Engineering for IAQ. Proceedings. October 22-24, 1995, Denver, CO, 29-41 pp, 1995 AND National Conference on Building Commissioning, 3rd. Proceedings. May 1-5, 1995, Milwaukee, WI, 1-8 pp, 1995, 1995
air quality | commissioning | indoor air quality | office buildings | ventilation | building performance
New buildings can have an increased potential for indoor air quality problems due to new building materials and deficiencies in mechanical ventilation system performance during construction and initial occupancy. In order to decrease the potential for such problems, an indoor air quality commissioning program was developed and implemented by the National Institute of Standards and Technology in a new office building for the United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This indoor air quality commissioning effort consisted of three tasks: (1) evaluate the mechanical ventilation system design; (2) develop a set of environmental parameters and associated reference values to be used in evaluating the building indoor air quality; and (3) measure these environmental parameters in this building and compare them with the reference values developed in Task 2. The evaluation of the mechanical ventilation system design was based on the recommendations of the 1987 BOCA mechanical code and ASHRAE Standard 62-1989. The design evaluation showed that the system ventilation rates were consistent with the recommendations of both documents. The environmental parameters identified in Task 2 address ventilation system performance, indoor pollutant levels, and thermal comfort. The reference values for these parameters were based on available standards and guidelines as well as on the results of previous indoor air quality research. In Task 3, these environmental parameters were measured in three phases of building construction: after completion of interior build-out; after the installation of the systems furniture; and roughly one month after occupancy. The measured values were within the project reference values with only a few exceptions, and these exceptions were usually attributed to a correctable circumstance.