- Author
- Kennedy, P. M. | Churchward, D. L.
- Title
- NFPA 921, Guide for Fire and Explosion Investigations: Introducing the 2001 Edition of America's International Standard for Fire and Explosion Analysis, Science, Technology and Methodology.
- Coporate
- National Fire Protection Association, Quincy, MA
- Report
- Volume 2,
- Distribution
- For more information contact: Interscience Communications, West Yard House, Guildford Grove, London SE10 8JT, England. Fax: +44(0)208 692 5155, Email: intercomm@dial.pipex.com, Website: http://www.intercomm.dial.pipex.com
- Book or Conf
- Interscience Communications Ltd.; Building Research Establishment; National Fire Protection Association; National Institute of Standards and Technology; Society of Fire Protection Engineers; and Swedish National Testing and Research Institute. Interflam 2001. (Interflam '01). International Interflam Conference, 9th Proceedings. Volume 2. September 17-19, 2001, Interscience Communications Ltd., London, England, Edinburgh, Scotland, 989-995 p., 2001
- Keywords
- fire science | fire safety | fire research | fire investigations | NFPA 921 | standards | explosions | fire science | methodology
- Identifiers
- history of the document; NFPA standards making process; fire investigation science; fire investigation technology; fire investigation methodology; technical/methodological innovations