- Author
- Cusson, D. | Hoogeveen, T. | Qian, S.
- Title
- Field Performance Monitoring and Evaluation of Concrete Repair Systems on a Highway Bridge.
- Coporate
- National Research Council of Canada, Ottawa, Ontario
- Report
- NRCC-46967,
- Book or Conf
- Structural Specialty Conference of the Canadian Society for Civil Engineering, 5th. Proceedings. June 2-5, 2004, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, ST-198/1-10 p., 2004
- Keywords
- bridges (structures) | highways | concretes | evaluation | structures | temperature | humidity | corrosion | electrical resistivity
- Identifiers
- generic description of the concrete repair systems evaluated; concrete temperature and freeze-thaw cycles during winter 2001/2002; monthly average of relative humidity in concrete patches; monthly average of corrosion potential in concrete patches (RE4); overall performance in terms of corrosion control
- Abstract
- The Institute for Research in Construction (IRC) and the Ministry of Transportation of Ontario (MTO) formed a partnership in 1999 with five suppliers of concrete repair systems to evaluate their long-term performance under field conditions. The fieldwork consisted of repairing corrosion-damaged barrier walls of a highway bridge using seven different concrete repair systems, and installing embedded instrumentation for their continuous monitoring. The field performance of the repaired barrier walls was evaluated for 3 years in two different ways: (i) in-situ non-destructive evaluation methods, and (ii) remote monitoring with embedded sensors. In this paper, only the results of the remote monitoring are presented and discussed. It was found that corrosion of the reinforcement in the repaired concrete barrier walls can be delayed by the use of proprietary repair systems.