- Author
- Patterson, M. A. | Pihlaja, J. A.
- Title
- Prototype for the Study of the Distribution and Characterization of Gasoline Over a Large Metrolplitan Area.
- Coporate
- Minnesota Bureau of Criminal Apprehension, St. Paul
- Distribution
- AVAILABLE FROM: National Technical Information Service (NTIS), Technology Administration, U.S. Department of Commerce, Springfield, VA 22161. Telephone: 1-800-553-6847 or 703-605-6000; Fax: 703-605-6900. Website: http://www.nitis.gov
- Book or Conf
- Forensic Aspects of Arson Investigations, International Symposium. Proceedings. Section 2. Extended Abstracts. July 31-August 4, 1995, Fairfax, VA, 315-320 p., 1995
- Keywords
- arson | fire investigations | gasoline | petroleum products | octanes
- Identifiers
- experimental parameters