- Author
- Morgan, H. P. | Ghosh, B. K. | Garrad, G. | Pamlitschka, R. | DeSmedt, J. C. | Schoonbaert, L. R.
- Title
- Design Methodologies for Smoke and Heat Exhaust Ventilation.
- Coporate
- Building Research Establishment, Garston, England Fire Research Station, Borehamwood, England Professional Fire Service, Vienna, Austria International Fire Safety Engineering Technology, Belgium
- Report
- BR 368, 1999, 146 p.
- Keywords
- smoke | heat | exhaust systems | ventilation | smoke production | smoke movement | smoke control | fire spread | escape means | time | atria | depressurization | smoke layers | fire departments | acceptance tests | maintenance | regulations
- Identifiers
- Smoke and Heat Exhaust Ventilation Systems (SHEVS); design fire size; smoke control on the storey of fire origin; smoke ventilation within multistorey spaces; alvernative forms of smoke control for atria (including multistorey malls but excluding throughflow ventilation); depressurization/smoke ventilation hybrid design; atrium smoke layer temperature; additional design factors; interactions with other systems in the building; maintenance, management and re-testing; some common mistakes in the design of msoke ventilation system; smoke ventilation design and enforcement of regulators