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Garboczi, E. J. | Bentz, D. P.
Microstructure of Portland Cement-Based Materials: Computer Simulation and Percolation Theory.
National Institute of Standards and Technology, Gaithersburg, MD
Book or Conf
Computational and Mathematical Models of Microstructural Evolution. Materials Research Society Symposium Proceedings. Volume 529. April 13-17, 1998, Materials Research Society, Pittsburgh, PA, San Francisco, CA, 89-100 p., 1998
portland cement | computer simulation | hydration | water
percolation theory; microstructure of portland cement paste; percolation thresholds in cement paste
Portland cement-based materials are usually composites, where the matrix consists of Portland cement paste. Cement paste is a material formed from the hydration reaction of portland cement, usualiy a calcium silicate material, with water. The micrcstructure of cement paste changes drastically over a time period of about one week, with slower changes occurring over subsequent weeks to months. The effect of this hydration process on the changing microstructure can be represented using computer simulation techniques applied to three dimensional digital image-based models. Percolation theory can be used to understand the evolving microstructure in terms of the three percolation thresholds that are of importance in the cement paste microstructure: the set point, capillary porosity percolation, and the percolation of the C-S-H phase.