FireDOC Search

Zhu, Z. | Liu, X.
Steady Spreading of a Flame Through Laminar Porous Fuel.
Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing
Fire Safety Science, Vol. 4, No. 1, 1-11, March 1995
flame spread | heat transfer | porous fuel beds
porous fuel; physical model
ONLY ABSTRACT IN ENGLISH A physical model is proposed from the point of view of fuel preheating to describe the horizontally steady spreading of a flame through laminal porous fuel. It is assumed that there is no ambient wind, the fuel layer is thermally thin. The mechanisms of heating contain the radiation from the flame, the radiation and the conduction through the fuel layer, and the diffusion, convection of the flame. The cooling mechanisms including radiative cooling from the upper surface of fuel layer and convective cooling induced by the flame are also considered. The relationships between the rate of spread and the major influential factors are given by numerical computation. Using curve fitting technique with the computational data, a simle formula for the rate of spread is obtained. The model istested against laboratory experiments. Due to the adoption of radiation vector to treat the radiation through fuel layer and the consideration of the forced convection induced by the flame, the computational results get in essential agreement with the experiments.