- Author
- Gassmann, J. J. | Hill, R. G.
- Title
- Fire-Extinguishing Methods for New Passenger/Cargo Aircraft. Final Report. July 1969-February 1971.
- Coporate
- National Aviation Facilities Experimental Center, Atlantic City, NJ
- Sponsor
- Federal Aviation Admin., Washington, DC
- Report
- FAA-RD-71-68; FAA-NA-71-23, November 1971, 45 p.
- Distribution
- Available from National Technical Information Service
- Contract
- PROJECT-502-201-02X
- Keywords
- aircraft fires | fire extinguishers | fire fighting | fire prevention | liquid nitrogen | systems engineering | fire safety | transport aircraft | fire tests
- Identifiers
- fire extinguishing agents
- Abstract
- Full-scale fire tests were conducted to determine the degree to which fire in large cargo compartments may be controlled by the use of bromotrifluoromethane as an extinguishing method in conjunction with ventilation shutoff. Results of the tests, using a 10 percent load, indicated that temperature can be kept below 500 deg. F and that a flash fire can be averted for at least 2 hours by the use of as little as 3 percent by volume of bromotrifluoromethane.