- Author
- Natori, A. | Harada, K. | Wakamatsu, T.
- Title
- Analysis of Target Safety Level Implied in Fire Resistance Design Method for Localized Fires in Building Standards Law of Japan.
- Coporate
- Non-Life Insurance Rating Organization of Japan, Tokyo Kyoto Univ., Japan Tokyo University of Science, Chiba, Japan
- Book or Conf
- Performance-Based Codes and Fire Safety Design Methods, 7th International Conference. Sky is the Limit. Proceedings and Case Studies. April 16-18, 2008, Society of Fire Protection Engineers, Bethesda, MD, Auckland, New Zealand, 277-288 p., 2008
- Keywords
- performance based codes | fire safety | safety engineering | regulations | standards | legislation | fire resistance | design applications | structural elements | verification | probability | formulation | steel structures | uncertainty | temperature | structural failure | heat release rate | thermal response | steel columns | fire duration | combustion | sensitivity | safety factors
- Identifiers
- BSLJ (Building Standards Law of Japan) in 2000; localized fire scenario of standard verification method - 3MW-fire; standard verification method; input parameters are classified into two categories - type A and B; summary of variations and uncertainties in input parameters; structural service load; material strength; critical temperature for structural failure; thermal response of steel element; list of minimum sections that exactly meet the deterministic criteria; ranges of design variables for parametric study; safety index and partial safety factors; proposed formulae for partial safety factors; Probability Density Functions (PDFs); AFOSM (Advanced First Order- Second Moment) method