FireDOC Search

Ebihara, M. | Notake, H. | Yashiro, Y.
Fire Risk Assessment Method for Building Under Consideration of Actions of Security Staffs by Using an Idea of Fire Phase.
Shimizu Corp., Tokyo, Japan
Book or Conf
Human Behavior in Fire. International Symposium, 1st. Proceedings. August 31-September 2, 1998, Textflow Ltd., Northern Ireland, Belfast, Northern Ireland, Shields, J., Editors, 421-428 p., 1998
human behavior | performance based codes | fire safety | fire risk assessment | human response | fire spread | fire statistics | data analysis
statistical data of fire spread prevention action; assessment method of fire spread process; formulation of staffs; summary of data analysis results; flamework of assessment method; staging time of fire prevension action; example of fire phase; example of fire prevension actions to fire phase; concept of probability exceeding fire phase estimation