FireDOC Search

ElBakali, A. | Dagaut, P. | Pillier, L. | Desgroux, P. | Pauwels, J. F. | Rida, A. | Meunier, P.
Experimental and Modeling Study of the Oxidation of Natural Gas in a Premixed Flame, Shock Tube, and Jet-Stirred Reactor.
Université des Sciences et Technologies de Lille, Villeneuve d'Ascq cedex, France Laboratoire de Combustion et Systèmes Réactifs, Orléans cedex, France GAZ DE FRANCE, Saint Denis La Plaine cedex, France
Combustion and Flame, Vol. 137, No. 1/2, 109-128, April 2004
nuclear reactors | oxidation | natural gas | premixed flames | shock tubes | combustion | kinetics | soot | pollutants | burning velocity | ignition delay | alkanes | hydrocarbons | oxygen | argon
initial mole fractions of hydrocarbons, oxygen, and argon of the natural gas flame studied; initial mole fractions of methane-ethane-oxygen-nitrogene mixtures studied in a jet-stirred reactor; higher alkanes oxidation submechanisms used in the model of natural gas oxidation; natural gas oxidation in a stoichiometric low-pressure premixed flame; jet-stirred reactor