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Lounis, Z. | Zhang, J. | Daigle, L.
Probabilistic Study of Chloride-Induced Corrosion of Carbon Steel in Concrete Structures.
National Research Council of Canada, Ottawa, Ontario
Book or Conf
Probabilistic Mechanics and Structural Reliability, 9th ASCE Joint Specialty Conference. Proceedings. July 26-28, 2004, Albuquerque, NM, 1-6 p., 2004
structures | concretes | corrosion | carbon steel | chloride | reinforced concretes | equations
corrosion process in reinforced concrete; chloride transport model; identification of model and parameter uncertainties; corrosion prediction using Monte Carlo simulation; summary of data from field assessment
This paper presents an approach for the probabilistic modeling of the chloride-induced corrosion of carbon steel reinforcement in concrete structures that takes into account the uncertainties in the physical models of chloride penetration into concrete and corrosion of carbon steel, as well as the uncertainties in the governing parameters, including concrete diffusivity, concrete cover depth, surface chloride concentration and threshold chloride level for onset of corrosion. The parameters of the models are modeled as random variables and the distribution of the corrosion time and probability of corrosion are determined by using Monte Carlo simulation. The approach is applied to predict the level of corrosion in the top layer of reinforcing carbon steel of a highway bridge deck that was exposed to chlorides from deicing salts for forty years. The statistics of the governing parameters are generated from a detailed field survey using non-destructive evaluation methods. The predictions of the proposed model agree very well with the field data, which illustrates the capability of probabilistic models to characterize the corrosion response of carbon steel and the actual condition of reinforced concrete structures.