FireDOC Search

Bisby, L. A. | Green, M. F. | Kodur, V. K. R.
Modeling the Behavior of FRP-Confined Concrete Columns Exposed to Fire.
National Research Council of Canada, Ottawa, Ontario
Journal of Composites for Construction, Vol. 9, No. 1, 15-24, January/February 2005
concrete columns | fiber reinforced polymer | fire behavior | exposure | numerical model | reinforced concrete | fire endurance tests | rehabilitation | fire endurance | confinement | high temperature | heat transfer | equations | load capacity | validation
strengthening; material behavior at high temperature; load carrying capacity analysis; axial deformation; load calculations; details of columns used for validation of the numerical model; details of columns used in numerical studies
Very little information is available on the behavior of FRP materials and FRP-strengthened concrete members in fire, and this is a primary factor hindering the widespread implementation of FRP strengthening technologies in the construction industry. This paper presents a numerical model for evaluating the fire behavior of conventionally reinforced circular concrete columns, FRP-wrapped reinforced concrete columns, and insulated FRP-wrapped reinforced concrete columns. The model is validated against data available in the literature from full-scale fire endurance tests on conventionally-reinforced concrete columns, and preliminary predictions of the model are presented and discussed. It is demonstrated that the model agrees reasonably well with experimental data obtained from tests on circular reinforced concrete columns, that it is unlikely that the structural effectiveness of FRP materials can be maintained during fire, and that the fire behavior of FRP-wrapped columns can be dramatically improved by providing supplemental insulation to the FRP.