- Author
- Kessler, D. W. | Anderson, R. E.
- Title
- Studies of Stone-Setting Mortars.
- Coporate
- National Bureau of Standards, Washington, DC
- Report
- BMS 139, November 23, 1953, 25 p.
- Keywords
- mortars | stones | bonding | tests | masonry | limestone
- Abstract
- Several mortars were studied for bonding strengths to four types of stone, dimensional changes under three conditions of storage, and frost resistance. Higher bonding strength was obtained for mortars to fine-grained stones than to coarse-grained stones. Indications were found that mortars shrink more in a vertical direction than horizontally. If shrinkage cracks form in the specimen, the measurements will be too low. Tests on mortars cast and cured in contact with porous materials gave higher strength and lower absorptions than were obtained on specimens cured in nonabsorptive molds. Ground limestone was found to be a satisfactory plasticizing agent. Some studies were made of mortars in structures and certain recommendations are made for selecting mortars for use in stone masonry.