- Author
- Qiyuan, X. | Heping, Z. | Chunming, X.
- Title
- Statistic Study on Applications of Performance-Based Fire Safety Design in China.
- Coporate
- State Key Laboratory of Fire Science, China
- Journal
- Journal of Applied Fire Science, Vol. 16, No. 2, 115-120, 2006-2007
- Keywords
- fire safety | performance design | statistics | high rise buildings | design applications | fire science | airports | terminal facilities | public buildings | statistical analysis | building design | fire protection | compartment fires | smoke | evacuation | steel structures | fire models
- Identifiers
- China; international conference and exhibit center; Available Safe Egress Time (ASET); Required Safe Egress Time (RSET); buildings with large fire compartments and long travel distance to exit; exit width; smoke evacuation system; steel structures protection