- Author
- Siegel, R. | Howell, J. R.
- Coporate
- NASA Lewis Research Center, Cleveland, OH Texas Univ., Austin
- Book or Conf
- Thermal Radiation Heat Transfer. Third (3rd) Edition, Hemisphere Publishing Corp., Philadelphia, PA, 1087 p., 1992
- Keywords
- thermal radiation | heat transfer | thermal properties | heat transmission | heat absorption | black body | enclosures | equations | energy transfer | radiative heat transfer | windows | coatings | solids
- Identifiers
- definitions of properties for nonblack opaque surfaces; prediction of radiative properties by classical electromagnetic theory; radiative properties of real materlals; configuration factors for surfaces transferring uniform diffuse radiation; radiation exchange in an enclosure composed of black or difuse-gray surfaces; exchange of thermal radiaiton between nondiffuse nongray surfaces; radiation exchange in enclosures with some surfaces that are specularly reflecting; radiation combined with conduction and convection at boundaries; numerical solution techniques for radiation problems with other energy modes; fundamentals and properties for radiation in absorbing, emitting, and scattering media; engineering treatment of gas radiation in enclosures; equations of energy transfer for absorbing, emitting, and scattering media; energy transfer by radiation combined with conduction and/or convection; numerical solution methods for radiation in participating media with other energy transfer modes; radiative behavior of windows, coatings, and semitransparent solids