FireDOC Search

Raufaste, N. J., Jr.
NIST Building and Fire Research Laboratory Projects Summaries, 1994.
National Institute of Standards and Technology, Gaithersburg, MD
NIST SP 838-5, June 1994, 158 p.
Available from Government Printing Office Available from National Technical Information Service
building technology | building control | coatings | combustion | flammability | computer integrated construction | concretes | earthquakes | earthquake engineering | fire dynamics | fire hazards | fire physics | fire safety | heat transfer | moisture | indoor air quality | lighting | quality assurance | refrigeration | smoke dynamics | structural performance | suppression | test procedures | toxicity | fire research
Construction is one of the Nation's largest industries. In 1993, new construction put in place amounted to about $470 billion (7.9% of GDP) and provided about 6 million jobs. Fires and natural disasters destroy a significant portion of constructed facilities every year. Costs of fire safety and fire losses exceed $128 billion a year. Natural disasters cause tens of billions of dollars annually. For example, during the 12 month period July 1993 through June 1994, the United States experienced significant property losses from natural disasters such as: The Mid-West Floods; the January 1994 Northridge Earthquake; and wind damage to the built environment. These are only three examples; many other natural phenomena occur each year. The quality of constructed facilities directly affects the productivity of the U.S. building and fire communities and affects the safety and quality of life of all constructed facilities. Over 60% of the nation's wealth is invested in constructed facilities. This report summarizes BFRL's research for 1994. The report is arranged by its research programs: structural engineering, materials engineering, mechanical and environmental systems, fire safety and engineering, and fire science. Each summary lists the project title, the BFRL point of contact, sponsor, research and recent results. BFRL's mission is to increase the usefulness, safety, and economy of constructed facilities and reduce the human and economic costs of unwanted fire in buildings.