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Koido, K. | Hirosaka, K. | Kubo, T. | Fukayama, M. | Ouryouji, K. | Hasegawa, T.
Numerical Study on Premixed Hydrothermal Combustion in Tube Reactor.
Nagoya Univ., Nagoya, Japan Nagoya University Furo-cho, Nagoya, Japan
Combustion Theory and Modelling, Vol. 13, No. 2, 295-318, April 2009
premixed combustion | oxidation | equations | simulation | ethanol | water | mixing | physical properties | thermal properties | transport properties | thermal conductivity | reaction rate | heating | temperature | flow velocity | heat loss | heat transfer | reaction kinetics | oxygen | carbon dioxide
equation of state; energy conversion system utilising biomass and low quality oil; oxidation of water solution mixture under sub/super critical conditions; Lee-Kesler equation; equation of state for sub/super critical water; physical properties and mixing lows; calculation conditions; effect of preheat temperature; effect of flow velocity