- Author
- Bjorkman, J. | Huttunen, O. | Kokkala, M.
- Title
- Paloilmaisimien toimintaa kuvaavat laskentamallit. [Calculation Models for Fire Detector Response.]
- Coporate
- VTT-Technical Research Center of Finland, Espoo
- Report
- VTT Research Notes 1036; Project PAL8004, August 1989, 36 p.
- Keywords
- fire detectors | fire detector systems | fire protection | sprinklers | smoke detectors | computer programs | ceilings | architecture | heat loss | numerical analysis | mathematical models
- Abstract
- [ABSTRACT IN ENGLISH] Mathematical models and corresponding computer programs have been compiled to predict the response times of sprinklers, heat detectors, and smoke detectors below large unconfined horizontal ceilings. Models include the flow velocity and temperature distribution in the ceiling jet and possible heat losses from the sensor to the supporting structures. The results of the numerical computer calculations are compared to available analytical solutions and the results of the corresponding computer program developed at the National Bureau of Standards. As an application example the internal consistency of the detector assembling instructions of the Ministry of Interior is considered.