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Burch, D. M. | Chi, J.
MOIST: A PC Program for Predicting Heat and Moisture Transfer in Building Envelopes. Version 3.0.
National Institute of Standards and Technology, Gaithersburg, MD University of District of Columbia, Washington, DC
NIST SP 917, September 1997, 47 p.
building technology | computer programs | heat transfer | moisture control | moisture transfer | moisture analysis | wall performance | windows
This report is a User's Manual for a computer program called MOIST (Release 3.0). MOIST is a user-friendly personal computer program that predicts the one-dimensional transfer of heat and moisture in building envelopes. With MOIST, you will be able to easily define a wall, cathedral ceiling, or low-sloped roof construction. You will subsequently be able to predict the temperature and moisture content (or relative humidity) of the individual construction layers as a function of time of year. In addition, you will be able to investigate the effects of various parameters on the moisture accumulation within layers of the construction. For example, you will be able to conduct computer runs for different U.S. and Canadian cities, thereby investigating the effect of climate on moisture accumulation. You will be able to determine if a vapor retarder is needed, and if needed, where it should be placed relative to the other materials. MOIST allows the user to vary the building materials and their relative placement and analyze the effect of the water-vapor resistance offered by paint layers, wallpapers, and vapor retarders.